Your feet are designed to endure a great deal of pressure on a daily basis. For many people, taking the typical thousands of steps a day that is customary is no problem. However, if you have ever experienced deformities in your feet, like hammertoes or claw toes, you know that the task of walking or…

An imbalance in either the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the foot that keep the toes straight can cause hammertoe or mallet toe. Causes of this imbalance can stem from improperly-fitted shoes, trauma, and even foot structure. An abnormal bend in the middle joint of a toe is called hammertoe. When the joint nearest to the toenail…

Hammertoes are painful deformities that frequently form on the second, third, or fourth toe. The condition is often caused by an issue in foot mechanics. This can be caused by the person’s specific gait or the manner in which they walk, or by shoes that do not comfortably fit the deformity.  Hammertoes can be formed…