Let’s face it, ingrown toenails are straight-up nasty. They make everything just a bit more difficult, more uncomfortable, and sometimes outright painful. When faced with the discomfort of ingrown toenails, you aren’t forced to endure but rather there are proactive steps that can alleviate the issue. Different home treatments have been shown to be effective.…

Podiatric medicine is a field of study specializing in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of the lower extremity including the ankle, foot, and toes. Of all patients visiting a podiatrist, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) estimates that 20 percent of these patients are suffering from an ingrown toenail. Ingrown toenails are most commonly…

An ingrown toenail, for those who haven’t experienced it, is when your toenail grows into the fleshy part of your toe, instead of growing how it should. If you have ever had an ingrown toenail, you can attest to how painful this condition can be, meaning you will want some relief and fast. Ingrown toenails most often occur…

When a toenail cuts into the side of the toe, it is often referred to as an ingrown toenail. Common causes for this condition may be shoes that are not fitting properly and toenails being trimmed incorrectly. Wearing shoes with pointed toes or high heels may cause the toes to have limited room to move freely,…

An ingrown toenail is a toenail that grows sideways into the nail bed, causing pain and swelling. Ingrown toenails can worsen and cause drainage, turning into a serious infection. Factors Contributing to Ingrown Toenails Several factors affect whether a person is at risk from an ingrown toenail. The many causes include being overweight, diabetes, participating…

If you have swelling, pain, redness, or infection near your big toe; you may have an ingrown toenail. Ingrown toenails result when the corner of a nail grows into the soft flesh that surrounds it. While ingrown toenails may cause minimal pain at first, they can spread and worsen very quickly. People who have diabetes…