Common Foot Conditions
Arizona Red Mountain Footcare is a respected podiatry practice, with a huge emphasis on patient care. Dr. Hardy works one-on-one with his patients to serve their individual needs.

Common Podiatry Complaints
Below are just a few of the common complaints we see in our office. If you are experiencing any of these, or are dealing with any other type of foot symptoms please contact us and we will get you back on track as quickly as possible.
- Pain and redness along the side(s) of your nail
- Pain in your heel(s) when you first stand up
- Sudden pain and swelling of your foot
- Swollen, painful sprained ankle
- Shoes cause stabbing pain or numbness between your toes
- There is burning, tingling, numbness in your feet
- You are diabetic, take blood thinners, or have poor circulation
- Foot ulcers
- Children complaining of heel pain during sports
- Unidentified foot growth
- Cracked or discolored nails, or thickened skin
- Painful calluses
- Embedded glass or shards in the bottom of your foot