What are the White Patches on my Toenails?


Noticing white patches on your toenails can be a source of concern and curiosity, prompting questions about their cause and how they can be treated. These patches, ranging from minor cosmetic issues to signs of underlying health conditions such as onychomycosis, are more common than you might think. At Red Mountain Footcare, we understand the…

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Causes of Curled Toenails

curled toenails

Curled toenails, while seemingly minor, can indicate underlying health concerns and significantly impact your daily comfort and foot health. In this article, we’ll explore the causes, treatment options, and preventive measures for curled toenails, providing you with valuable insights and practical advice for maintaining optimal foot health. Why Do Toenails Curl Understanding the causes of…

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What Should I Do About Ingrown Toenails?

ingrown toenails

Let’s face it, ingrown toenails are straight-up nasty. They make everything just a bit more difficult, more uncomfortable, and sometimes outright painful. When faced with the discomfort of ingrown toenails, you aren’t forced to endure but rather there are proactive steps that can alleviate the issue. Different home treatments have been shown to be effective.…

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How to Protect Your Feet and Ankles Playing Sports

running shoes

As long as there have been people, there have been sports. Whether it is for the love of the game, some exercise, or just to connect with others, people of all ages love to engage in the world of sports. This does not come without some dangers and drawbacks. To keep yourself as healthy as…

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Most Common Foot and Ankle Injuries

doctor examining foot

Countless Americans every year visit the doctor due to issues with their feet and ankles. Containing 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 tendons, our feet are an incredible marvel of biomechanics. These parts work in conjunction for people to run, walk, jump, pivot, support, and more to allow our bodies to do what they…

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What is Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)?

doctor examining woman's foot

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is a serious health condition that affects the blood circulation in the legs and feet. Peripheral artery disease has affected approximately 230 million people worldwide and approximately 8.5 million people in the U.S. It can cause pain, difficulty walking, and long-term damage if not properly treated. If you experience any of…

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Neuropathy: What Every Foot Doctor Wants You to Know

Neuropathy is a complex condition that foot doctors consider vital for patients to understand. It stems from nerve damage and can be caused by various factors, including diabetes, injuries, and certain medical conditions. Recognizing the early signs, seeking timely medical attention, and adopting preventive measures are key takeaways that foot doctors emphasize to effectively manage…

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Tips and Tricks for Managing Foot Ulcers

foot ulcer

Foot ulcers are open sores that develop on the feet, usually due to underlying medical conditions like diabetes, poor circulation, or nerve damage. They can be quite significant as they are not just painful but can also lead to serious complications such as infections, cellulitis, or even bone infections. Proper care and treatment of foot…

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Benefits of Having an Expert Foot Doc

When it comes to our overall well-being, we often tend to overlook the health of our feet. Foot health is a critical practice, when neglected, it can quickly and intensely impact the health of other parts of the body.Taking care of our feet is crucial, as they support us throughout our daily activities. In order…

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Foot Doctor Discusses: The Link between Foot Pain and Posture Problems

perfect running shoes on dirt

The Connection Between Foot Pain and Posture Problems Do you ever experience foot pain that seems to affect your overall posture? You’re not alone. Foot pain and posture problems often go hand in hand, and understanding their connection can help you find effective solutions. At Arizona Red Mountain Footcare, we specialize in diagnosing and treating…

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