Hammertoe vs. Claw Toe: What’s the Difference

claw toes

Your feet are designed to endure a great deal of pressure on a daily basis. For many people, taking the typical thousands of steps a day that is customary is no problem. However, if you have ever experienced deformities in your feet, like hammertoes or claw toes, you know that the task of walking or…

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What is Posterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome?

posterior ankle impingement syndrome

As it is common knowledge, the human body is made of of many moving parts. Connected by tendons and ligaments to help us move; cartilage surrounding the bones for added strength & protection. At any given moment, the wrong movement could result in a lifetime of unpleasant tingling or pains from joints. Though bones and…

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Are Ingrown Toenails Genetic?

Feet with painted toes

Podiatric medicine is a field of study specializing in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of the lower extremity including the ankle, foot, and toes. Of all patients visiting a podiatrist, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) estimates that 20 percent of these patients are suffering from an ingrown toenail. Ingrown toenails are most commonly…

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Plantar Plate Tear vs Neuroma

pain in the ball of the foot

One of the most common foot problems people experience is pain in the ball of the foot. This annoying and sometimes debilitating condition can negatively impact a person’s quality of life. In most cases, this forefoot pain is the result of either Morton’s Neuroma or Plantar Plate Trauma like a Plantar Plate Tear. Read on…

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Discover the Link between Dehydration and Foot Pain

Hydration and Foot Pain

It’s well known that proper hydration leads to optimal health and that dehydration can cause many issues in the body. However, you might not know or consider the way that hydration or a lack thereof can affect your feet. Read on to learn more about how hydration and foot pain correlate: Does Dehydration Affect The…

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Why is the Bottom of My Foot Peeling?

Bottom of feet

Peeling skin on the bottom of the foot is something that affects nearly everyone at some point, whether it be from a diagnosed medical condition or simply excessive amounts of sweat. Our podiatrist hears this complaint often! Generally, skin peeling on the feet is not something to be concerned about and is taken care of…

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Can Sciatica Cause Foot Pain and Swelling?

sciatica & sciatic nerve pain in leg and foot

If you have sciatica, then you know that it can cause pain in your lower back that radiates down one leg. You may be wondering, though, can sciatica cause foot pain and swelling? What is the Sciatic Nerve and What is Sciatic Nerve Pain? Nerves carry messages from your brain to the rest of your…

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How to Treat a Broken Pinky Toe

broken pinky toe

While the pinky toe may be the smallest toe, pinky toe pain isn’t always so small. Moreover, hurting your pink toe can cause serious complications — especially if you don’t get the right treatment right away. Up ahead, we’ll outline what to expect if you fracture or break your pinky toe and need treatment. What…

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Can Flip-Flops Cause Foot Pain?

Are flip-flops bad for your feet? You may have heard such a rumor but then “brushed it under the rug,” so to speak, because … who doesn’t love a good pair of flip-flops? They’re great for camping, a day at the beach, or just running out the door to check the mail. Still, there’s something…

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